MATH CHALLENGE Version 3.0 --------------------------- ( ORDER FORM ) Please send me ____ registered copies of MATH CHALLENGE. I have provided a check or money order, payable in U.S. funds, for $19.95 for each copy. (Price valid through December 1996). I understand that I will also be receiving complimentary, registered copies of the following along with my order: SIMPLE SIMON'S PHOTO SCRAMBLE - a fun, original mental challenge combining tile puzzles and pattern memorization DOC DEFIANT - an original backgammon-like game that pits your child against a mad scientist trying to destroy Earth. DOC DEFIANT RETURNS - compete one more time against Doc Defiant's henchmen in a pattern memorization game. DOC DEFIANT'S FINAL CHALLENGE - crack the code sequence before Doc Defiant to thwart his evil intentions. Bottom line, this means FIVE games for the price of one. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Name ___________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________ City/State _____________________________________Zip Code________ Phone (Optional):Day ___________________ Night__________________ SEND CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO: JUST FOR ME SOFTWARE, INC. P.O. BOX 531 NOVI, MI 48376 ------------------------------------------------ | SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK | ------------------------------------------------ Copy Supplied By: ______________________________________________